Tag Archives: food


The only limits in the New Paradigm are those which you consciously set for yourself. A natural consequence of having few to no limitations is continual experimentation with lifestyles and techniques. Nothing *has* to be any way, and all avenues are open. After all, the only goal is to find what works for you, what serves you, and what gets you where you want to be.

I’ve already discussed how to “choose your body,” how to make the conscious decision to live in a healthy body. Once you have committed to health, one way you can explore and perfect the body is to experiment with fasting and what is consumed in your diet. This is decidedly distinct from dieting. Fasting is not a miracle cure, yet there is a good chance you will feel healthier if you do it. Even more importantly, you will be developing a much more conscious connection with your body.

Continue reading Fasting

Sensual, Spiritual Sex II

This is the second installment in the New Paradigm series on sex and sensuality. Quinn’s book “Full Spectrum Health” is really THE resource for total health information. 

Control centers on the things that are most vital, most at the core. Things like food, sex, health, shelter, national safety, the safety of your family, etc. So whoever it is, your parents, the church, the government, they create the guilt and judgment about sex. It makes people controllable. Bam! You are already guilty because you think about sex. You need forgiveness. Same with food. You make people want food and other substances. You make them want certain foods by getting them accustomed, addicted, or dependent. You control the source of food, promote the idea that your product will bring fulfillment and happiness, then once the need is there, charge money for it, tax it. It is no coincidence that tobacco and alcohol are two of the most addicting substances on earth and most taxed.

Another example: if you make people buy and own land just to live, then apply taxes and thousands of statutes and codes which limit self-reliance and require perpetual payment – that’s hilarious. People actually agree to pay for land. How can you really own a piece of land? Nobody owns it in the first place. There’s no human being on Earth that can actually own land. There might be some papers that say it’s true. There might be some law or idea that governs that, but there’s no real legitimate truth to it. And if at any point or any time Nature wants to call it back, all of that ownership will be just completely destroyed. In one breeze, in one wave, in one rumble, it’s all destroyed.

So this control is taking place. Most of the desire for sex is coming from: the lack of it, for one. But the lack is coming from a deeper core: wanting to be loved, wanting to be sensual, but never having a loving and sensual life. For many people, the only time they ever get close to that is through sex. Once you mature enough to have sex, you have this experience and you’re like “Oh, that felt good, man that was real sensual. . .Whoa! That’s soft! That’s warm. That’s wet.” Whether you actually come to the word sensual, you’re having a semi-sensual experience. Some people are having a more sensual experience than others, and some people are just jacking off inside of you.

Continue reading Sensual, Spiritual Sex II

On Eating

I like to have coffee and cheesecake for breakfast, lunch, or even dinner. And I like to do it whenever I want to. And I do eat cheesecake or whatever I want for breakfast, lunch or dinner whenever I want.

And the really beautiful thing about this is:  I don’t do it every day and I don’t want to do it everyday. The powerful truth, which at some point must be understood, is that it’s the resistance, judgment, and guilt – the ideas we have constructed around something – that create friction, the dysfunction, and problems.

If you have the idea that it’s not okay or it’s wrong or bad to eat cheesecake for breakfast, lunch, dinner, anytime – not only is it going to be less enjoyable and more unhealthy when it is eaten, but it’s likely, if you were to allow yourself to do such a thing, you would experience some sort of binging or an addiction, a much more involved reality than the simple act of eating cheesecake.

Let’s also remember that we don’t actually need anything. Yet we can have anything. And so there’s lots of substances on this earth that most humans are consuming on a daily basis from the perspective of need. “I’m alright, I don’t need much . . . except coffee. All day. But that’s all.” Coffee, tobacco, marijuana – but also: a car, indoor plumbing, another person’s approval and validation . . . Instead of experiencing the full range of possibilities (and there are so many : ), we are stuck in this limited experience, this relationship of need.

So if you’re someone who thinks you “need to eat breakfast” in order to function, it’s really only that idea that’s creating that reality. Or if you’re someone that thinks you “need coffee in order to think or function,” that idea goes a long way toward creating that reality.

And so I can eat whatever I want as my dinner, my breakfast, or as my lunch, and I will still be way healthier than 99.9% of humans on the planet. It doesn’t even really matter what they’re eating. The reason is I’m living in this energetic embrace, this energetic freedom, this energetic abundance, this energetic health of thrival and well-being. Whatever I do, whatever happens, whatever form manifests in my experience is in alignment with the formless. So I eat cheesecake, or pie, or a plate of cookies for breakfast, lunch or dinner as today – I eat whatever I want and I eat whenever I want – but I don’t feel bad about it. And it is completely devoid of need or addiction. I don’t have to make any rules or systems or programs.

All those ideas, rules, stipulations, they create more limitation. I just simply exist and when an opportunity arises for me to have cheesecake for breakfast then I do. Or maybe for 3 weeks I don’t even eat breakfast. One meal a day is normally plenty for me and normally it’s a dinner. It’s a dinner meal for me. Oftentimes it’s just a huge salad. But even this, and its not something I’m trying to do, its naturally manifesting, its naturally developing from my the formless reality of thrival.

And so in appreciation, in love, in enjoyment of this gloriously beautiful day, of the cheesecakes and pies of the world, and of the thriving souls here in Eden, the only thing I’ve eaten today is cheesecake and coffee.

