Tag Archives: thrival

Conscious Pregnancy, Empowered Birth I

As a species, as those “being” human, male or female, we are integrally designed capable of everything that is of true importance to us. It’s built in, it’s natural, it’s God-sent. On planet Earth in this time and space, humans are almost completely disconnected from this truth.

There are many women who are beginning to question, who are beginning to remember. Many may be reading these words right now. There are many women who are now consciously choosing home births, natural births, midwife assisted births rather than doctor deliveries; births in pools, in tubs, and at home instead of hospitals or birthing centers. While these realities are upgrades, they are only the beginning. After all giving birth is a most powerful experience for a woman, and for parents. It’s also simple, totally natural. It’s a huge deal, an extraordinary process! And yet it happens every day and is completely and totally ordinary. This is the paradox of our entire lives.

Birth is happening every day, not only resulting in human children, but also in energetic consciousness. Every moment something is born – a thought, the genesis of an action, collaboration on ideas, creativity. From the human child to the formation of intention, it’s all birth. My favorite example of a type of birth is the breath. There is no physical aspect of existence that is more important, more nourishing, more sustaining than our breath. We can go for some amount of time without food or without water, but how long without breath? As we breathe in, it’s pure source, we’re breathing in pure, sustaining life force.

This air is relative, changing depending on where you are in the world and within yourself, yet this breath is the simple, natural process of birth. For as we breathe, we give life, and as we breathe out, we are surrendering, letting go, dying. Without that breath, life as we know it ceases. As we breathe in again, life is reborn, life is possible. Breath is an unconscious ability. Without thinking of it, you breathe for days and days, and yet still you breathe, just as the body pumps blood, just as the intestines and the stomach process food, just as the liver processes toxins. The body is working to sustain itself, it’s maintaining life, it’s existing, and it’s all built-in. It’s part of consciousness, it’s part of the perfect design. Whether you are conscious of it or not, it’s taking place. You have to really get in the way, you have to really really get in the way for these things to stop, for these things to malfunction. You have to try to stop breathing and then even so most of the time the desire is going to be manifest, it’s going to be birthed to breathe again.

Now what’s really amazing is that these simple natural processes, built and designed in perfection, begin to manifest in human consciousness and human form. The working of cells, the breath, the heart pumping and the circulation of blood – these separate and unconscious processes combine to form what we call the human body. The body manifests within this simple, normal, natural, built-in design, perfect in aspects, but also at times dysfunctional and malfunctioning. When the blood is not pumping properly, heart attack and stroke results. There are people with high blood pressure or low blood pressure because their blood is not pumping properly. There are a great many physical ills that manifest in the human form.

As far as natural and perfectly designed processes, there is no difference between the pumping of blood and giving birth. Since before recorded human history, since as far back as science can tell, humans have been giving birth to humans. Every mammal on this earth is giving birth to other mammals. What’s happening now is that, just like with the pumping of blood and the breathing of air, the simple, normal, natural parts of life, designed in perfection, are broken, or dysfunctional, or fragmented, because of the interference of the human mind. Because of thought, because of ideas, because of conditioning, because of manipulation, because of the abuse from living in this world. So the whole purpose of me writing this is to connect, to remember, to liberate, to empower, to access the state of divinity, and of natural ordinary thrival.

This is the first in a series of New Paradigm articles pertaining to Conscious Pregnancy. Look for the Conscious Pregnancy II in a few days.

On Eating

I like to have coffee and cheesecake for breakfast, lunch, or even dinner. And I like to do it whenever I want to. And I do eat cheesecake or whatever I want for breakfast, lunch or dinner whenever I want.

And the really beautiful thing about this is:  I don’t do it every day and I don’t want to do it everyday. The powerful truth, which at some point must be understood, is that it’s the resistance, judgment, and guilt – the ideas we have constructed around something – that create friction, the dysfunction, and problems.

If you have the idea that it’s not okay or it’s wrong or bad to eat cheesecake for breakfast, lunch, dinner, anytime – not only is it going to be less enjoyable and more unhealthy when it is eaten, but it’s likely, if you were to allow yourself to do such a thing, you would experience some sort of binging or an addiction, a much more involved reality than the simple act of eating cheesecake.

Let’s also remember that we don’t actually need anything. Yet we can have anything. And so there’s lots of substances on this earth that most humans are consuming on a daily basis from the perspective of need. “I’m alright, I don’t need much . . . except coffee. All day. But that’s all.” Coffee, tobacco, marijuana – but also: a car, indoor plumbing, another person’s approval and validation . . . Instead of experiencing the full range of possibilities (and there are so many : ), we are stuck in this limited experience, this relationship of need.

So if you’re someone who thinks you “need to eat breakfast” in order to function, it’s really only that idea that’s creating that reality. Or if you’re someone that thinks you “need coffee in order to think or function,” that idea goes a long way toward creating that reality.

And so I can eat whatever I want as my dinner, my breakfast, or as my lunch, and I will still be way healthier than 99.9% of humans on the planet. It doesn’t even really matter what they’re eating. The reason is I’m living in this energetic embrace, this energetic freedom, this energetic abundance, this energetic health of thrival and well-being. Whatever I do, whatever happens, whatever form manifests in my experience is in alignment with the formless. So I eat cheesecake, or pie, or a plate of cookies for breakfast, lunch or dinner as today – I eat whatever I want and I eat whenever I want – but I don’t feel bad about it. And it is completely devoid of need or addiction. I don’t have to make any rules or systems or programs.

All those ideas, rules, stipulations, they create more limitation. I just simply exist and when an opportunity arises for me to have cheesecake for breakfast then I do. Or maybe for 3 weeks I don’t even eat breakfast. One meal a day is normally plenty for me and normally it’s a dinner. It’s a dinner meal for me. Oftentimes it’s just a huge salad. But even this, and its not something I’m trying to do, its naturally manifesting, its naturally developing from my the formless reality of thrival.

And so in appreciation, in love, in enjoyment of this gloriously beautiful day, of the cheesecakes and pies of the world, and of the thriving souls here in Eden, the only thing I’ve eaten today is cheesecake and coffee.



New Paradigm Activation in Costa Rica Part II

This article is continued from NP Activation part I.

Without death there is no pure potential, there’s no clean state, there’s no open space. The cup is full. You can’t refill the cup with a new beverage if it’s full of something else. For me, the death and the rebirth is so obvious and real and true. As I breathe out, I am nothing. I have nothing. I’m just a drop of water. I’m just a grain of sand. Dust.

And then as I breathe in I am everything. I can do anything. It’s all possible, and it never ends. And as I breathe out: surrender, letting go. Death. And as I breathe in: embrace, engagement, passion, inspiration. Each new moment as I die I’m able to experience the Fullness the freshness the newness the nowness of now. But without that death it’s not new, it’s not fresh, it’s not now. It’s a projection, an idea, an attachment, an expectation. Now is always now. Yet without the awareness of awareness the experience simply is not. It is in the surrender, the letting go, that we embrace the now, the present experience of BEING~*~

The body’s cells are continually dying and being reborn. There are countless cells in the human body and their life cycle is apparent, an exchange of death and birth. Same with the skin – there’s dead skin and there’s new skin. Day by day the skin is there. Year after year, the skin is there. But if you are aware, you realize that skin is always dying and new skin is always being reborn. It’s never the same skin, it’s always new skin.

Cells are dying and being reborn, but they’re being reborn from certain defined memories and beliefs. Rather than having a cell that is born as pure potential, a clean slate, you’ve got a cell that’s fragmented. It’s born with attachment, expectation, and an agenda. So the real reason aging is taking place is because there is a cellular Consciousness in alignment with aging (or sickness, or death). These conditions have become so normal that people don’t even think about them. Regeneration in degeneration! But when you’re able to truly die, to let go of all ideas, all agendas, all attachments, all expectations, all control: Boom! Pure potential bursts open and ANYTHING is now possible~*~

After all: Everything is energy, everything is Consciousness, and it’s always in alignment.

Returning to the healer: the key that allowed this New Paradigm activation was the realization that all of her healing work is old paradigm. All of her healing work is based on limitation. She’s a spiritual teacher and so people are coming to her for help, so there are a lot of ideas, a lot of ego involved with that. To face the reality that all of that healing work is based on limitation – that’s a huge, crushing blow. So now the door is open. It makes death potentially very easy. The New Paradigm feast is on a silver platter and I’m just on my knees holding this. She can eat from it, she can taste from it, she can feast from it to her fulfillment.

Most of the time there is a lot of baggage, trauma, repression, stuff that needs to be processed and let go of. Sometimes that experience is very intense or uncomfortable. But because she has been dedicated to spirituality for more than 20 years, and has basically devoted her life to spiritual work and processing, she’s already processed a lot. And even though she’s still in the old paradigm, she’s really come to peace with most of that trauma. And even parts of her life that are still uncomfortable – she’s sort of at peace with the discomfort.

What I shared with her was: that she was operating from the place of ideas, whereas she could still go deeper. People come to her and then she talks about spirits. Everyday she is clearing spirits not only in her house and in her area but for the world. But it is all based on limitation because it all rests on these ideas. When you fully awaken, when you fully become liberated, when you realize the power of the infinite, pure potential, ideas no longer matter. There could be 1000 spirits around you that are all caught in limbo and you’re just breathing and you’re smiling. They can be and you can be, rather than having to clear them all the time. And so I told her: “Your work is valuable, yet it isn’t sustainable; you’re helping people but they just need help again.” And that’s a problem with spiritual teachers and spiritual teachings and the books, healing, diets, systems, routines, and formulas. They’re based on the old paradigm limitation of ideation and thus they only approach, but do not fathom the infinite (except for the ones that do, of course ;-).

In the New Paradigm we realize that everything is energy and it’s all in alignment. Nothing matters, because it never ends! So it isn’t about changing the world. It’s not about changing anybody. It’s not about changing the spirits, it’s not about changing myself, it’s not about changing anything. It’s simply breathing in a state of presence; it’s a state of connection, right now. Breathing, feeling good right now. Thus the experience is in alignment with that and all the form that manifests is in alignment with that. It’s just so beautiful to exist! So amazing, so awe inspiring to witness a transformation like this. In gratitude I breathe. In passion I share.


Activations do not happen exclusively in the lower latitudes. With Quinn, the possibility is ever-present. Experience activation in any sphere, intention, or situation (more information here). Set up an in- person meeting or phone conference by calling 817/992.4615 or by emailing QuinnEaker@gmail.com.