Tag Archives: health

Attachment II

Read the first part of this article:  Attachment I

In ways subtle or obvious, people operate schedules dictated by their attachment. This means attachment to a feeling of security, familiarity, a paycheck, a big house, a daily hot shower, a temperate environment, etc. It is certainly possible to enjoy these things without attachment, but realistically, very few are on that level. Seeing through attachment will allow you to maintain peace regardless of the situation or environmental condition. But every person has attachments. There is always room to go deeper within yourself. That’s where pushing your limits and putting yourself in new situations, unfamiliar and possibly uncomfortable situations has its benefit.

Put yourself in situations that you’re not prepared for, or where there are elements of the unknown. This is another area in which people experience a lot of attachment – they don’t put themselves in situations in which they feel insecure. Many people are stuck inside their own idealistic and socio-economic cliques and bubbles.

If you are this type of person who has been pushing her limits, who is actively engaged in the process of exploring attachments, then you will find it beneficial to meditate more, spend less time talking, less time watching tv, watching movies, listening to music, surfing the web. . .

Purposefully put yourself into new situations, talk to people you’ve never talked to before. And observe the thoughts and feelings you have. Just observe, without judgment, just see what’s there.

A ten-day Vipassana* meditation course is a good example: you’re going into an environment that you’ve never been in before, an environment based on silence, which is rare in most human-inhabited places, and you are going to have a lot of time to be with your thoughts and feelings, becoming conscious of the various levels occurring inside your body.

This is what non-attachment looks like in the New Paradigm:  you are living passionately. You are living from inspiration and with purpose. You are doing that deliberately. That is the goal. Life without desire is pointless. To me, desire is the fire of life, it is the fire of creativity. Without desire there is no creativity. Without creativity, there is no life.

Continue reading Attachment II


I am inspired by this very basic video, “The Basics of Good Posture,” to write a bit about the body, lifestyle and health~

The body is not actually designed to sit. It is only recently that the average human spends so much time in the seated position – in chairs, working at a desk, at home on the couch while eating in front of the teevee – most of us spend A LOT of time sitting.

It was not long ago that sitting was an uncommon experience. Up until recently, only the rich and civilized could sit all day. What place is there for sitting when food must be hunted or found, the land worked, homes built, etc.?

And now we are facing a huge obesity epidemic. Although there are many factors in the growing population of overweight and sick humans, a lack of movement and exercise is certainly among these.

What I see is a general disconnection from life, activity, and being outside. It seems that since so much of our productivity is centered around bringing comfort into the home, and engineering and perfecting our environment, we feel the need to spend more time in this created sphere. Our “intro-spective” buildings curiously encourage a constant outgoing focus (teevee, computer, phone, etc.) and isolation from, rather than integration with, the out-of-doors (a place where one can participate in very “in-the-moment” physical activities). If you spend a lot of time inside, at least open the windows!

Continue reading Sitting

What Kind of Body Do You Want?

For more than thirteen years I have cultivated a deep understanding and connection with the health of my body. Not only outwardly – in how I stay fit, store energy, and avoid illness –  but subliminally also – a much less understood dimension of bodily health. I am the sort of person who feels that if I can’t climb a mountain barefoot, I am not in good enough shape. If I cannot climb any tree, with or without branches, I am not in my ideal body. If I don’t have the balance and flexibility to do a yoga pose on demand, I am out of shape. But *health* is different for every person – what really matters is knowing what kind of body you want to have. All of us are capable.

quinn at the garden

“Our bodies are highly capable, designed in perfection.”

Yet bodies are undoubtedly subject to and influenced by environmental conditions. And the environment is ruled by the Consciousness of each body. Because everything is energy and it’s all in alignment, the conscious direction of energy is the most influential factor in development and your physical manifestation.

Ask yourself: “what type of body feels good for me?” It doesn’t matter how old you are or how overweight you are. The body is always capable of a dramatic shift when truly honored. How important is your well-being? Is it just a passive consideration? Or are you ready for it to be truly excellent? A body will not be healthy if abused, neglected, denied, or forsaken. . .

Thrival is an option.“

Our cells are constantly regenerating. Cells are regenerating based on our DNA code, and our DNA code is just memory. Memory is genetics, hereditary traits, or simply the experience contained within the body. Children are born with traits based on the genetics of their ancestors. We can observe superficial traits and map the human genome, but our real work is not with the product, or the code that it supports it, but of the core that gives rise to all else.

When two come together to activate the reality of pregnancy, they transfer energetic Consciousness to this new being. Additional attachments and ideas remain as the energetic vestiges of ancestors. This is quite obvious in the vast difference between races, classes, and cultures. Even being accustomed to having money, coming from monetary wealth, greatly affects one’s perception of life and plays out in generations of family members. Each generation is evolving and adapting to be more capable, abundant, or skilled in the experience of life. This is what we call the process of evolution. Yet too much reliance on received beliefs and circumstance is also a limitation. For the possibility always exists to be Pure, Infinite, Unchecked Potential. And earthly life in a human body necessarily straddles the twin poles of potential and determination (see: Alone, in Fullness).

Outside of the New Paradigm, the concept of Pure Potential seems difficult to grasp, yet in the New Paradigm anything else seems ridiculous. There is no need to perceive this with any judgment; simply explore it for what it is.

You are Pure Potential. The only things standing in your way of having the most fun, enjoyable body, of having a ton of energy, of waking up clear-headed every day, are:

1) Not knowing these things are possible, or even believing they are NOT possible, and

2) Continuing to reinforce this attitude with your attention, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.

The most important thing you can do is make the choice to be healthy. When you decide that health is what you really want, when it isn’t coming from feelings of guilt, or stigma, or self-loathing, or “I should . . . ,” then you will naturally begin paying attention to the needs of your body. Your body loves to tell you what’s going on. You will begin to notice what foods serve your body well, what meal times, how much exercise and of what type. . .

Full Spectrum Health contains this and much more wisdom pertaining to health and energetics.