Tag Archives: subconscious

* ~ Denial ~ *

It is just amazing how many ideas there are! So many there is no way to quantify them. Our world is a series of ideas (just ask Humprey Davy). As long as we remember this fact, the world is a playground. But if we aren’t careful, if we forget, if we take the magic out of the world, if we start believing in iron-clad rules, rigidly determined systems, institutions and structures, then every idea is a potential hell. Would you rather wake up thinking “these are all my obligations, oh well, better get to it. . .,” or “what game shall we play today?” This recognition is part of the essence of the New Paradigm.

Personally, I feel it is very important to interact and engage authentically and transparently – that’s who I am to the core (and the book of my life is very open). When I express my will, my opinion, I do so without taint of anger or resentment except in the rare case that that is what is authentically true. Believe me – I can express myself with force – but that comes from the honesty and conviction of my words, not the need to guilt or control people. So commonly I’m met with disagreement or judgment or conflict or confrontation, and that’s okay. I would rather be clear and honest 100% of the time and risk coming up against this opposition than allow myself to be tripped up by fear or hesitation, or by getting caught up in games of denial, supposed to, have to, or should. Life is not very powerful when living within the judgment, expectation, and ideas of others.  I would trade a lifetime of pretending in order to gain approval, for one day of true fulfilled raw existence~*~  
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